An International Journal
Established by the International Centre of the Restoration of Rights
The journal has been registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications. The registration certificate is PI № FS 77-52523 of 21 January 2013. The international number of periodicals ISSN 2307-1435 has been assigned to the edition. Four issues are planned to be published in 2013.
Theory and Practice of the Restoration of Rights journal focuses on different theoretical and legal, interbranch, branch, and international law problems of the restoration of violated subjective rights. The purpose of the edition is a promotion of Russian and foreign scientists to the empowerment of the publication their scientific research.
Editors accept articles and discussion materials of a scientific nature in legal issues of the law-restoration, law-enforcement and law-protective activity.
Furthermore, reviews and comments to monographs, textbooks and training aids are accepted.
The audiences of the journal are teachers and research workers, representatives of public authority and local self-government, state and non-state commercial and non-commercial organizations, specialists of all levels in the sphere of law, business and management, and also PhD students, postgraduate students and students of universities.
Scientists, PhD students, postgraduate students, applicants, experts in the law field are encouraged to publish results of their scientific work in the journal "Theory and Practice of the Restoration of Rights”.
Main requirements for the content of articles are originality, a scientific innovation, a theoretical and applied significance of works.
Best regards,
Andrey Kuzmin
Chief Editor, President of the International Centre of the Restoration of Rights,
Head of the department "State and International Law” of Law Institute of Saint Petersburg State University of Service and Economics, Candidate of Law Sciences (PhD),
Associate Professor
Telephone (812) 917 84 51
E-mail glavred@icrr.ru
Only original articles, which have not been published in other periodicals before, are accepted for the publication in the journal.
Minimum of published articles – 20 000 characters, maximum – 40 000 characters. Variants of publishing articles, which exceed 40 000 characters, are coordinated with the publisher.
A request for publication of the article must be sent to the e-mail of the journal nauka@icrr.ru (duplicating to the address glavred@icrr.ru) for publishing review. It must be specified "APPLICATION FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE ARTICLE” in the topic line of the letter. The file with the text of the article must be attached to the letter. The representation, prepared by a doctor or a candidate of science, can speed up the decision making process of the publication. It must be attached in a separate file of the article.
The text of the article must be done in Microsoft Word file in one of several formats: doc, docx or rtf.
The file must contain the information about the author of the article and the text of the article.
Font - Times New Roman;
Size - 12;
Interval - 1.5;
Indentation - 1.25.
Files, submitted to the edition, must be titled by the family name of the author and by 3-4 words of the article (e.g., "Ivanov Some aspects of a legal regulation.doc”). Margins of the document: top - 2, bottom - 2, left – 2, right - 2. Transfers must be entered automatically.
Pages are not numbered. The text is aligned to the width of the page.
Submitting the text of the work for the publication in the journal, the author guarantee the reliability of all information about him(her)self. An avoidance plagiarism, other forms of an illegal adoption in manuscript copy work, an improper execution of all adoption of the text are not allowed.
The inclusion of tables and charts into the collection of materials of Round table session are discussed in each case.
For articles in English language:
In the center - the title in English.
In the next line – in English author`s name and family name, the title (no abbreviations), honorary rank, academic degree, e-mail.
If the article is co-authored, the information about each author must be in a new paragraph.
In the next line – an annotation in English (500-1000 characters).
In the next line – no more than 5 key words in English (word combinations of no more than two words are allowed).
If the author has the opportunity, he (she) may submit additional information about the article in Russian language.
In the centre – the title in Russian.
In the next line – in Russian author`s family name, name, father name (if any), the title (no abbreviations), honorary rank, academic degree, e-mail.
If the article is co-authored, the information about each author must be in a new paragraph.
In the next line – an annotation in English (500-1000 characters).
In the next line – no more than 5 key words in English (word combinations of no more than two words are allowed).
Before the main text (20 000-40 000 characters) one line must be skipped. Do not use a tab key or a space instead of an indentation.
In the text and in the reference list quotes must be in the same format: " ”.
References to the quoted literature are given in the order as they are mentioned in the text as two numbers separated by a comma in square brackets. For example [1, 35], [3, 18], [8, 56-58]. The first number is a number a reference, the second number is a number or numbers of the page. An indirect quotation is executed in the same way, with the addition of the number before the first additional information. For example, [See: 1, 35], [See, e.g.: 3, 18], [See more about this issue: 8, 56-58]. The numeration of references conform to the order number of links in the original source the references.
If it is necessary, an acknowledgement and a gratitude to persons and/or organizations that have a direct connection to the research or to the preparation of the article (scientific advisors, data collection assistants, editors and etc.) can be mentioned. One line before must be skipped.
The list of references is placed after one skipped line.
For papers in English, a numbered list of references is placed after the text of the article in an alphabetical order in the following way:
a numbered list of references in the original language (Latin);
English translation and transliteration of the Cyrillic names of sources. They must be indicated in the source`s language in square brackets;
English translation of the external sources not in Cyrillic and Latin (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Arabic and etc.). The language of the source must be indicated in square brackets.
The list of references is submitted either according to Russian standard (http://icrr.ru/GOST_2008_links.pdf), or according to Harvard system of a submission of references (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/write/ harvard.htm? part = 2 or http://www.library.dmu.ac.uk/Images/Selfstudy/Harvard.pdf).
There is an example of English translation of Russian link to the source:
Kuzmin A.V. Theoretic legal and branch basis of mechanism of the restoration of rights. Monograph [Teoretiko-pravovye i otraslevye osnovy mechanizm pravovosstanovlenija. Monografija], AreAl, Moscow 2010. - 174 p. [In russian].
The representation, prepared by a doctor or a candidate of science, can speed up the decision making process of the publication. It must be attached in a separate file of the article. The review must be signed and certified. The scan of the review must be sent to the e-mail of the edition with the article.
A conclusion is given in the review necessarily according to the following points:
1) whether the article conforms to the subjects of the journal;
2) whether the article includes clearly stated new scientific results;
3) whether conclusions of the article are logically justified;
4) whether the author's point of view is correct;
5) whether the material of the article is given clear;
6) which readership is interested in the article;
7) whether the article duplicates the work of other authors or previously published work of the author (generally or partially);
8) what is a position of the work under the review among others, which have been already published in this topic;
9) which errors or inaccuracy were made by the author;
10) whether the article is recommended to be published without corrections and editing.
Moreover, the editorial board of the journal has a right to direct the article for the internal review.
The application process for the publication:
The date of the receipt of the article to the editor is fixed.
All scientific materials that come to the office pass a preliminary examination of the chief editor of the journal.
The chief editor directs research materials for examination to the editorial board members and experts in the relevant specialty.
As a result of examination, the written conclusion about expediency or inexpediency of the publication of scientific materials (the review) is directed to the editor.
If the result is affirmative, the editorial board makes a decision to publish scientific materials.
In the case of the negative review the text is sent to the author for a further revision.
The chief editor makes a decision about the publication of scientific materials. Editors inform the author via e-mail about the date of the publication and the issue of the journal which, where the scientific materials will be published.
The term of making decision about the publication – no more than 15 days (from the date of the registration of the manuscript copy in the editorial office).
The payment of the reward for the publication is not provided. The publication is free of charge.
We kindly ask authors to follow our rules and to prepare articles carefully.
Thanks to all who will help to promote the journal. We appreciate you for your cooperation.
Best regards,
Andrey Kuzmin
Chief Editor, Candidate of Law Sciences (PhD),
Associate Professor